quantum biology regenerative medicine company
Antibacterial and antiviral activity

Having discovered the mode of action of Manuka honey using my VJing dance party skills I was able to understand how to use something that lasts for 1 nanosecond and release 1200 electron volts to transform biological material into CO2 and water. Being able to destroy bacteria and viruses using biologies ultimate defense system using quantum physics was my most amazing discovery.

The major royal jelly proteins have been purified from Manuka honey and the photo-fenton hydroxyl radical generating system identified, which is responsible for the antibacterial and antiviral activity. I have built a new model that provides an understanding how these high energy short lived radicals are beneficial for health and well-being. I am seeking investors to assist in developing the antimicrobial properties of the Manuka honey MRJP extract containing phenolics and complexed minerals. Get in touch if your interested in exploring this opportunity.